LinkedIn is a key part of our sales prospecting
Tappy saves me hours every week
I grew my LinkedIn followers from 4k-35k
If I had Tappy it would have been so much faster
Tappy is a simple AI browser extension to help you add thoughtful (and human-sounding!) comments to LinkedIn posts in one tap.
Unlike most other AI browser extensions, the quality of Tappy's comments is phenomenal. Try it for free yourself.
Sales prospecting - engage with recent LinkedIn posts from prospects to stay top-of-mind.
Personal branding - add a comment to other content creators posts to boost your own visibility and grow your audience.
Finding a job - engage with job postings and with managers on LinkedIn to increase your candidate visibility.
- The Tappy Chrome extension only has data access to and urls. That's limited by the Chrome permissions we ask for during install.
- More specifically on LinkedIn, Tappy only analyzes text from the posts that you comment on. We do not analyze all LinkedIn content as you're scrolling the page - that would not be acceptable. Once you request an AI comment or reply, Tappy will analyze the text on the particular post and send it to our API for processing.
- As of today we only gather text from the post - this includes the text in the top of the post, and comments made on the post. We have been getting feature requests to analyze images/carousels/videos in posts as well, and it's possible we do that in the future.
- We use end-to-end encryption for all data in flight/storage. We do not store any LinkedIn post content - that also breaks LinkedIn TOS. We do save some basic metadata (timing of AI request, etc) and we do store our generated AI comment for ongoing product improvement and we have internal policies to handle that data appropriately.
We don't sell data your data, because we don't store any useful data to sell.
Tappy is available as a Chrome Extension. Visit the downloads page for more information.
Running an ML/AI product is expensive
Please sign up for one of our paid plans for more AI comments, or reach out to us about team plans (for sales & recruiting teams)
Reach out to us at and we'll help
I've spent the past year using LinkedIn to attract customers for multiple software products. Commenting on relevant LinkedIn posts from other LinkedIn users is an _extremely_ effective way of marketing yourself and your products/services.
As an example, we also own - our first 2 (and many more!) customers for Staffparty came directly from LinkedIn comments and posts.
Hi, I'm Patrick! I'm a product/engineering executive (NASA, Galileo, Attentive), now building AI and influence-tech products. Connect with our team at